Posted on 1/30/2023

When the miles on a vehicle approach 50,000 to 100,000 miles, more attention should be given to the vehicle’s belts. To be specific, we are going to be discussing the serpentine belt in today’s blog. The serpentine belt is the component responsible for transferring power to multiple engine accessories. In other words, it provides power to many parts such as the alternator, power steering pump, water pump, air conditioning compressor, and more. If you don’t want to face any failures, make sure you replace your belt on time. Signs That Indicate Your Serpentine Belt Is Failing Contrary to other vehicle parts, the serpentine belt typically doesn’t stop working out of the blue. They simply become less effective at its job over time. And if you don’t catch it soon enough, it will provide more obvious signs or leave you stranded altogether. Some of the warning signs of a bad serpentine belt include the following: Squealing Noises – A bad serpentine ... read more