Posted on 8/31/2023

Today, we're diving under the hood to chat about a crucial component that keeps your ride shifting smoothly – the clutch. Just like a quarterback's nimble footwork on the field, your clutch's finesse on the road can mean the difference between a winning drive and a total stall. But fear not, we've got your back with this handy guide on the five telltale signs that your trusty clutch might be waving the white flag. 1. Shaky Starts Picture this: you're at the stoplight, ready to pounce on the gas pedal, but your car stammers and shakes as if it's trying to breakdance. If your vehicle seems to hesitate or shudder upon takeoff, it could be signaling that your clutch is on the fritz. This judder dance is a red flag that your clutch's friction material might be worn out, causing an uneven engagement. 2. Sour Notes in the Symphony Is your car suddenly breaking into a high-pitched whine or a grating growl every time you pr ... read more