Posted on 1/30/2021

Your car battery plays a crucial role in providing a power source to the ignition system and keeping your car running. As a rule of thumb, you should replace it every four to five years. However, a car battery life widely varies mostly based on how and where you drive and the state of your charging system. Besides changing your vehicle's oil and filters, maintaining your battery in its best condition enhances your car's performance and smooth running. Unfortunately, just like any other component, your battery is subject to wear with everyday use-even under the best care. Consequently, it loses its capacity to hold a charge, making it weak to start your car. Start paying attention to your vehicle's performance, especially when the battery hits the third year. That said, you can test your battery health condition at least twice a year using a digital voltmeter. A voltage reading below 12.29 volts is an indication that your battery is not fully charged, while an overcharged b ... read more
Posted on 12/17/2020

While you're driving home from work, you're getting ready to park your car. As you put the car in reverse, a jerking sound is made with shifting gears. The sound and jerk last a few seconds, but you're able to park the car without any other issues, hoping your transmission is not blown. What are some signs to look for that your transmission needs to be worked on immediately? 1. Your Transmission Has Challenges Shifting Gears - if you notice when you're driving that your gears move from reverse to neutral, then it's time to take your car in for repairs. Another sign is your car is not accelerating fast enough or struggling. Also observe rough transitions when switching gears, it could be a problem for your transmission. Observe any delays between shifting gears, where the connection is slow, or there's a long pause. This is an issue that cannot be ignored. 2. Transmission Fluid is Leaking - If you see a ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2020

Volkswagen is a premium vehicle, and with routine maintenance, you can boost performance and extend its lifespan. One of the most important preventative maintenance tasks is oil change. For the most efficient engine performance, Volkswagen's oil should be changed at regular intervals. Consult your vehicle's owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommendations on the best interval for your car. It's also essential to consider road conditions and how often or how far you use your vehicle. If it's been a while since your Volkswagen has gotten an oil change, it will let you know. Below are three major signs it's time for an oil change. Dirty Engine Oil Checking your engine oil is pretty simple. While your vehicle is cold, pop the hood and pull the dipstick. It's essential to check your motor oil once a month or so. Engine oil should be a honey-color, clean, and free of debris. Regularly checking your oil will help you iden ... read more
Posted on 10/30/2020

BMWs are high-performing luxury vehicles; however, over time, they can also develop issues. Issues with the cooling system are common, and with BMW's they can lead to eventual failure. The cooling system serves three essential functions. It keeps the engine running at optimal operating temperatures; it maintains the temperature and removes excess heat. Typical cooling system issues like coolant leaks are easy to repair. However, if they're neglected, they can lead to a lot of unnecessary costly repairs. Below are common symptoms that indicate an issue is beginning to develop. High-Temperature Gauge Your dashboard gives you a variety of information about the health of your vehicle. One crucial aspect is the temperature of the engine. A major sign for BMW's is a high-temperature reading on the temperature gauge. If the temperature keeps rising and remains consistent, pull your vehicle over immediately, and professional attention. Steaming Hoo ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2020

Seeing a thick white smoke flow from the hood of your vehicle is not only frustrating but scary. The engine has overheated. While an overheating engine seems like an uncommon situation, they can and do happen, usually at the most unexpected times. And an engine that’s spewing smoke is signaling a major mechanical problem. If you don’t have this problem inspected, it can lead to permanent damage to the engine and other essential vehicle components. Below are 5 of the most common reasons for an overheated vehicle. 1. There’s a Problem with the Coolant System The coolant system regulates the temperature of the engine. It prevents overheating by drawing heat away from it. If there’s damage within the cooling system that’s caused a leak, the engine can overheat. 2. Engine Oil Engine oil lubricates the moving mechanical components of the engine. If the engine oil is too low or old, it reduces its effectiveness. Significa ... read more